OTC: SMURF - Tokens.com Corp.

半年間の収益性: +40.67%
セクタ: Financials

プロモーションスケジュール Tokens.com Corp.


Tokens.com Corp. provides blockchain verification services through proof-of-stake technology. The company's technology secures next-generation blockchain networks through Proof-of-Stake technology to support the growth of decentralized finance applications. It invests in Web3 assets and businesses focused on the Metaverse, NFTs, DeFi, and gaming-based digital assets; purchases and stakes tokens; operates in virtually integrated digital real estate business; and holds NFT assets and invests in crypto-based games. The company also provides consulting services. Tokens.com Corp.

is headquartered in Toronto, Canada.

Цена ао 0.1058
Выручка -0.000949
EBITDA -0.0092
P/S -206.24
P/BV 8.48
Сайт https://www.tokens.com
Число акций ао 0.11976 млрд
Валюта usd
Sector Financials
Industry Capital Markets
Валюта отчета usd
1日あたりの価格変動: 0% (0.1266)
週ごとの価格変動: 0% (0.1266)
月ごとの料金変更: 0% (0.1266)
3ヶ月間の価格変動: +4.98% (0.1206)
半年間の価格変動: +40.67% (0.09)
年間の価格変動: +15.09% (0.11)
3年間の価格推移: -73.35% (0.4751)
年初からの価格変動: +36.72% (0.0926)


名前 意味 学年
P/S 17.68 1
P/BV 1.47 9
P/E 0 0
合計: 3.75


名前 意味 学年
ROA, % -98.61 0
ROE, % -109.21 0
合計: 0


名前 意味 学年
Div yield, % 0 0
DSI 0 0
合計: 0


名前 意味 学年
Debt/EBITDA 0 10
合計: 10


名前 意味 学年
収益性 Revenue, % -178.02 0
収益性 Ebitda, % 0 0
収益性 EPS, % 3962.43 10
合計: 4

機関 音量 共有, %
Emerald Mutual Fund Advisers Trust 1316448 1.34

スーパーバイザー 役職 支払い 生年
Mr. Andrew Kiguel Co-Founder, CEO & Director 219.24k
Mr. Martin Bui CFO & Secretary 16.02k
Mr. Eric Abrahams Chief Operating Officer N/A
Ms. Jennifer Karkula Head of Communications N/A

住所: Canada, Toronto. ON MX A, 100 King Street West - Googleマップで開く, Yandexマップを開く
Webサイト: https://www.tokens.com