OTC: CMPRF - Gentera, S.A.B. de C.V.

半年間の収益性: -29.17%
セクタ: Financials

プロモーションスケジュール Gentera, S.A.B. de C.V.


Gentera, S. A. B. de C. V. provides various financial products and services in Mexico and Peru. The company offers individual and group credit, savings, insurance, and transactional channels services to entrepreneurs and microentrepreneurs. It also provides insurance agent services; and personal loans; as well as operates as a bank commission agent administrator that offers financial operations, payment of services, and cellphone top-ups services. The company was formerly known as Financiera Compartamos, S.A. B. de C. V. Gentera, S. A. B. de C. V.

was founded in 1990 and is headquartered in Mexico City, Mexico.

Сайт https://www.gentera.com.mx
Валюта usd
Sector Financials
Industry Consumer Finance
Валюта отчета mxn
Цена ао 1.19
Выручка 18.41
P/E 0.481
P/S 0.0856
P/BV 0.0767
Див.доход ао 0.1786
Дивиденд ао 0.004
1日あたりの価格変動: 0% (1.19)
週ごとの価格変動: 0% (1.19)
月ごとの料金変更: 0% (1.19)
3ヶ月間の価格変動: -6.3% (1.27)
半年間の価格変動: -29.17% (1.68)
年間の価格変動: +1.71% (1.17)
年初からの価格変動: +1.71% (1.17)


名前 意味 学年
P/S 0 0
P/BV 0 0
P/E 0 0
合計: 2.5


名前 意味 学年
ROA, % 0 0
ROE, % 0 0
合計: 0


名前 意味 学年
Div yield, % 0.1786 0.45
DSI 0.8571 8.57
合計: 2.41


名前 意味 学年
Debt/EBITDA 0 10
合計: 10


名前 意味 学年
収益性 Revenue, % 3171.63 10
収益性 Ebitda, % 0 0
収益性 EPS, % 2711.17 10
合計: 8

機関 音量 共有, %
Legato Capital Management LLC 494100 0.03

スーパーバイザー 役職 支払い 生年
Mr. Carlos Antonio Danel Cendoya Chairman & President N/A 1971 (53 年)
Engineer Enrique Majos Ramirez Chief Executive Officer N/A 1972 (52 年)
Lic. Mario Ignacio Langarica Avila Chief Financial Officer N/A
Enrique Barrera Flores Investor Relations Officer N/A
Marcela Morandeira Santamaria Head of the Unit for Integral Risk Management N/A
Mr. Manuel De La Fuente Morales Secretary N/A
Mr. Marco Antonio Guadarrama Villalobos C.P.C. Controller N/A
Mr. Francisco Gandarillas González Director of Internal Control & Compliance N/A

住所: Mexico, Mexico City, Insurgentes Sur 1458 - Googleマップで開く, Yandexマップを開く
Webサイト: https://www.gentera.com.mx