GraniteShares 2x Long COIN Daily ETF

半年間の収益性: 0%
業界: Leveraged Equities

説明 GraniteShares 2x Long COIN Daily ETF

The fund is an actively managed exchange traded fund that attempts to replicate 2 times (200%) the daily percentage change the underlying stock by entering into a swap agreement on the underlying stock. The fund aims to generate 2 times the daily performance of the underlying stock for a single day. It is non-diversified.

Цена последней сделки 43.49
Код ценной бумаги CONL
Полное наименование GraniteShares 2x Long COIN Daily ETF
Объем 501437344
Валюта usd
Изм за день, % -19.55
Комиссия 1.15
Дата основания Aug 09. 2022
Сайт リンク
Тип актива Equity
Индекс Coinbase Global Inc - Benchmark Price Return (150)
Регион North America
Средний P/E 0.02
Див доходность 0.21
Issuer GraniteShares
Assets class size Multi-Cap
Region specific U.S.
Strategy Vanilla
Focus Financials
Segment Leveraged Equity: U.S. Financial Exchanges & Data
country USA
countryISO US
Код ISIN US38747R8016
Количество компаний 1
Годовая доходность 130.72
1日あたりの価格変動: -19.55% (54.06)
週ごとの価格変動: -26.41% (59.1)
月ごとの料金変更: +47.47% (29.49)
3ヶ月間の価格変動: +17.8% (36.92)



名前 業界 共有, % P/BV P/S P/E EV/Ebitda 配当利回り
Coinbase Global Coinbase Global Financials 4.12402 6.97 14.08 461.34 614.49 0